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"Wealth creation through systematic investment"

We all are investing to make more than what we have invested so that we can have more purchasing power in future.

Shared here are some of the ideas on how to create wealth out of your savings through systematic and organised investing in all spheres of investment portfolio. Effort here is to identify those areas where investment could fetch greater returns in long term perspective

We believe there should be mix of insurance policies, equities, bonds/ debt instruments, mutual funds, precious metals, real estate properties, loans in your portfolio to make your investment wealthy.

Investing in stock market, debt instruments, mutual funds, real estate without proper evaluation are prone the risk of 'loss of capital' due to general financial risk of market, promotors & operators not acting in bonafide interest of small investors etc

The issues posted here are only a fig of a tree and investor who are investing their hard earned money are advised to independently analyse the issues or consult an investment advisor before making any decision.

"CAUTIONARY NOTE" - this blog is not responsible for any loss, whatsoever . please do consult an investment advisor if your not able to evaluate the investment / economic / risk scenario independently

feel free to contact us at or at

Monday, September 27, 2010

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  1. sir i have Nifty 5400 put october (5000shares) brought @ 34rs (cmp 15rs) Kindly suggest wat to do.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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