The total Installed Capacity in the country at the end of 10th plan
(as on 31.03.2007) was 132330 MW
The actual power supply position during 2006-07 (end of 10th plan) was
The National Electricity Policy envisages “Power for all by 2012” and per capita
availability of power to be increased to over 1,000 units by 2011-12.
To achieve this, a total capacity addition of about 1,00,000 MW is required during
10th and 11th Plan period. After considering the actual capacity addition of 21,180 MW
in the 10th plan , a capacity addition of 78,577 MW has been proposed during 11th plan.
Of the above projects totalling to 48,955 MW (62.3% of the proposed capacity) are already
under construction. and for balance 29,402MW,Letter of Award is yet to be placed
The total thermal power plant capacity in 11th plan is 58,644 MW which is about 75% of
total capacity additions in 11th plan. The coal based capacity is about 90% of thermal capacity.
Due to uncertainty in availability of gas and its high price only about 4,289 MW gas based projects
have been included for benefits during 11th Plan.
These projectsare already under construction or have already tied up the gas supply.
Of the Hydro projects totaling 16,553 MW (21.0%) included in the 11th Plan. 14,431 MW
(87%) are under construction, 1,537 MW (9.5%) have been accorded concurrence
by CEA/State Government and are awaiting investment decision/work award and
585 MW (3.5%) the DPR is ready and concurrence of CEA/State
Nuclear projects totalling to 3,380 MW have been proposed for likely benefits during 11th plan.
Out of this, 220 MW (Kaiga U-3) has already been commissioned and the remaining projects
are under construction.
Non-Conventional Energy Potentials of India
India has significant potential for generation of power from Non- Conventional Energy
Sources such as Wind, Small Hydro, Bio mass, Tidal and Solar Energy which is ozone friendly
power. The total estimated medium-term potential (2032) for power generation from renewable
energy sources such as wind, small hydro, solar, waste to energy and biomass in the country is
about 1,83,000 MW. The details are given below:
The Installed Capacity at the beginning of the 10th plan was about 3500 MW. A capacity addition of
about 6,750 MW had been achieved during the 10th plan making Installed Capacity 10, 256 MW.
Considering the progress made during the 10th plan, the Working Group for 11th Plan proposals for
New and Renewable Energy has proposed physical target of 14,000 MW Grid interactive renewable
power as furnished below.
Demand side updates
Project implementation updates
(as on 31.03.2007) was 132330 MW
The actual power supply position during 2006-07 (end of 10th plan) was
The National Electricity Policy envisages “Power for all by 2012” and per capita
availability of power to be increased to over 1,000 units by 2011-12.
To achieve this, a total capacity addition of about 1,00,000 MW is required during
10th and 11th Plan period. After considering the actual capacity addition of 21,180 MW
in the 10th plan , a capacity addition of 78,577 MW has been proposed during 11th plan.
Of the above projects totalling to 48,955 MW (62.3% of the proposed capacity) are already
under construction. and for balance 29,402MW,Letter of Award is yet to be placed
The total thermal power plant capacity in 11th plan is 58,644 MW which is about 75% of
total capacity additions in 11th plan. The coal based capacity is about 90% of thermal capacity.
Due to uncertainty in availability of gas and its high price only about 4,289 MW gas based projects
have been included for benefits during 11th Plan.
These projectsare already under construction or have already tied up the gas supply.
Of the Hydro projects totaling 16,553 MW (21.0%) included in the 11th Plan. 14,431 MW
(87%) are under construction, 1,537 MW (9.5%) have been accorded concurrence
by CEA/State Government and are awaiting investment decision/work award and
585 MW (3.5%) the DPR is ready and concurrence of CEA/State
Nuclear projects totalling to 3,380 MW have been proposed for likely benefits during 11th plan.
Out of this, 220 MW (Kaiga U-3) has already been commissioned and the remaining projects
are under construction.
Non-Conventional Energy Potentials of India
India has significant potential for generation of power from Non- Conventional Energy
Sources such as Wind, Small Hydro, Bio mass, Tidal and Solar Energy which is ozone friendly
power. The total estimated medium-term potential (2032) for power generation from renewable
energy sources such as wind, small hydro, solar, waste to energy and biomass in the country is
about 1,83,000 MW. The details are given below:
The Installed Capacity at the beginning of the 10th plan was about 3500 MW. A capacity addition of
about 6,750 MW had been achieved during the 10th plan making Installed Capacity 10, 256 MW.
Considering the progress made during the 10th plan, the Working Group for 11th Plan proposals for
New and Renewable Energy has proposed physical target of 14,000 MW Grid interactive renewable
power as furnished below.
Demand side updates
Project implementation updates